Joelle A. Hathaway
Theologian Scholar Teacher
Classes I Teach
At Bethany Theological Seminary I teach a variety of classes in Theology, Ecotheology, and Theology and the Arts. Many of my classes support the Masters of Arts in Theopoetics and Writing, Bethany's joint masters degree with Earlham School of Religion.
Justice, Art, and Peace
Introduction to Theological Reflection
MA Formation
Theological and Artistic Understandings of Jesus
Theology of Place and the Built Environment
Christian Themes in the Gallery, Contemporary Images in the Church
Ecological Theology and Christian Responsibility
Introduction to Theological Reflection
Narrative Theology and the Christian Imagination
Spirituality and Poetry: The Sabbath Poetry of Wendell Berry
Classes for Brethren Academy:
Preacher as Theologian (Fall 2022)